Report on the Conservation and Sustainability of Nandi hill Ecosystem


Continuous expansion of Bangalore, both in terms of population and territory is adversely affecting the natural ecosystems in the surrounding areas. Nandi Hills is one of the most ecosensitive areas nearby Bangalore which is home to several exotic species of birds. It is also a very popular weekend getaway, where a lot of people visit and this has created a situation wherein some sort of a control need be visualised and put into effect.
Apart from the problems that are caused as a result of overcrowding and vehicular pollution, the existence of the Bangalore International Airport, too does have a significant impact on the Nandi Eco-system, as it is a safe haven for a large number of migratory birds. It is also to be noted that around six riverine systems have their origin near this area.
Apart from these concerns, growing developmental activities and a booming real estate business has also been changing the eco-system. Water abstraction and pollution as a result of large scale construction activities have now started to change the calm and serene atmosphere in and around the area. Large tracts of land are being put to cultivation and unscientific methods resorted to also do cause a lot of harm, not only for the rich soil that is present but also to the water bodies that are present.

Given all this, it is quite clear that the eco-system in and around the Nandi Hills area is to be protected and taken care of. In light of some of the problems that are raised, Dr. A N Yellappa Reddy had proposed to Prof. M K Ramesh that some action need be taken and this research exercise is a culmination of a series of discussions and deliberations that has taken place between the Bangalore Environment Trust and the Law School, along with other stakeholders.

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