Journal on Environmental Law Policy and Development Vol-6 (2019)

About the Journal The Journal of Environment Law Policy and Development, an annual peer reviewed journal of the Centre for Environmental Law Education, Research and Advocacy has released six volumes and is in the process of releasing the seventh volume. Over the years the Journal hasfeatured articles on different themes of environmental law ranging from […]Read More


NOISY AIRPORTS – GEETHANJALI K.V., Legal Associate, CEERA, NLSIU Sound can be described as a vibration or a series of vibrations which travel through a medium, mostly air, and which can be heard once they reach an individuals or a living entities ears. For a sound to become ‘noise’ it has to be loud or […]Read More

Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Law Admissions for 2020-2021

PGDEL is a One-Year Distance Education Programmme open to all graduates. The goal of this course is to acquaint the uninitiated with different aspects of environmental law and governance. The course is designed to serve the long felt need of strengthening the legal capacity of administrators, activists, adjudicators and academics concerned with Environmental Governance in […]Read More

Report of the Two-Day Webinar on “Future of Environmental Litigation in India” held on 7th and 8th August, 2020

In an age when India is witnessing a staggering rise in industrialisation and development, the country is correspondingly facing environmental degradation at a rapid pace. Large scale deforestation, increasing levels of pollution, rise in frequency of natural disasters, rampant depletion of natural resources, extinction of wildlife among many other anthropogenic induced factors are evidence of […]Read More


Legality of the Use of Animals for Recreational Purposes in India – Lianne D’Souza, Research Fellow, CEERA Ritika Singh, 1st Year B.A., LL.B., SVKM NMIMS Kirit P Mehta School of Law Introduction The concept of superiority of human beings over other creatures has led to disturbances and fluctuations in the delicate ecological set-up, often creating […]Read More

Report of the One-Day Webinar on Right to Information: Practice and Procedure, held on 5th August, 2020.

The Centre for Environmental Law, Education, Research and Advocacy, NLSIU organized a Webinar on Right to Information: Practice and Procedure on 5th of August, 2020. The Webinar dealt with the procedural and practice aspects of the application of the Right to Information Act. The webinar was spread over two sessions and witnessed participation from resource […]Read More


NON-DISPARAGEMENT CLAUSES IN EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS- A GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE Madhubanti Sadhya, CEERA, NLSIU Divyae Patel, 5th Semester, Unitedworld School of Law, Karnavati University The term “disparagement” is defined as the publication of injurious and false statements that are derogatory of another’s product, property or business.[1] Even though disparagement may sound familiar with defamation, but there is […]Read More


ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE: A WAR CRIME R. ASHWIN, Student, KLE Society’s Law College, Bengaluru. Several scientists all around the globe are taking various measures in protecting the environmental resources. Since 1990s, there has been constant depletion in the natural and wildlife resources and held military forces and their effects accountable for damage to environment. These forces […]Read More