In the attempt to join the global effort to address climate change and its allied issues, Centre for Environmental Law, Education, Research and Advocacy, NLSIU has undertaken the initiative to draft a Bill that seeks to provide a clear and comprehensive framework for climate protection in India. To this end, CEERA had organised a One-day Consultative
Workshop on Legislating Climate Change Law in India on 18th June, 2021. The Workshop was aimed at creating a platform to stimulate intellectual discourse on critical issues associated with climate change and to identify viable solutions to address these issues. With the participation of experts in the relevant area of study and other stakeholders, the workshop was designed to draw from different perspectives and disciplines apart from the legal perspective of climate change. Given the absence of an explicit law in India addressing climate change, the workshop specifically aimed to advance the dialogue on devising a comprehensive legislative framework that addresses climate change in India. Furthermore, the workshop was unique in its range and breadth as the discussions focussed on the need to provide protection against climate change and the legal means to achieve the same. With the objective of identifying the varied dimensions of enforcing a law on climate change protection, the workshop presented the draft framework of the CEERA NLSIU Bill on Climate Protection and deliberated on some of the core principles and ideas envisaged under
it which are as follows:
➢ A decentralized approach for climate risk mitigation and adaptation.
➢ The institutional structure for climate change governance.
➢ Identification of vulnerable communities with a view to advance protection and rehabilitation measures
➢ Efforts towards rehabilitation of vulnerable communities
➢ Climate Sustainability Plan for institutions and projects likely to gravely impact climate change
➢ ‘Climate Risk Insurance’ to meet the needs of vulnerable communities.
➢ Climate Education and Climate Awareness to encourage dissemination of knowledge and create awareness on the effects of Climate Change.

Report of the One Day Consultative Workshop

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